Yes, we do.
International investment brings growth and sustainable development when the right policies are pursued. International investment includes foreign direct investment, other capital movements, and the operations of multinational enterprises.

McKinley Executive Investment provides a forum for international cooperation, policy analysis, and advice to clients on how best to enhance the positive contribution of investment worldwide.
Current priorities include: increasing the capacity of developing countries to attract more and better investment; promoting corporate responsibility through McKinley Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises; enhancing the understanding of emerging legal and policy issues relating to international investment protection provisions and arbitration procedures and promoting the transparent and non-discriminatory treatment of investment through the observance of McKinley Executive Investment instruments.
Reliable and up-to-date statistics are essential for a meaningful interpretation of investment trends for decision and evaluation. McKinley Executive Investment gathers and analyses detailed statistics on international direct investment, and other resource flows to developing countries and countries in transition and related matters.